What if you woke up one day and your best friend (a bunny) was a different color, shape, or size? How would you feel? This rhyming story explores the idea that if something happens to a friend which changes his or her looks, the person inside is still the same. It asks questions that help children develop empathy and tolerance for visual differences. The ideas presented in “Big, or Small, or Blue” can be used to teach children the value of being friends with people who don’t look like them — and also to help them adjust to changes in appearance of family members or friends who’ve been in an accident or have become ill.
eBook available for immediate download from Amazon, Apple iBooks, Baker & Taylor, Barnes & Noble, Inktera, Kobo, Scribd, and Smashwords.

Willie wants to learn what makes people like each other. Actually, Willie really wants to know what makes people like HIM. Is it what he looks like? This RhymeTime storybook explores the meaning of friendship. Willie learns that character (what he says and what he does) is more important than what color of hair or skin or eyes he has, or how tall he is.
eBook available for immediate download from Amazon, Apple iBooks, Baker & Taylor, Barnes & Noble, Inktera, Kobo, Scribd, and Smashwords.
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